AA MINORITY REPORT 2017 (revised)

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Wednesday 1 May 2013

And then another one pops out of the woodwork!

Just when you think you'd had your quota of nutters for the month another one pops up out of the 'proverbials'!

This particular example of self-obsession shows up from time to time on the aacultwatch forum, fires off a salvo at anyone in sight and then disappears again for a few months (thank God!) .. and he's surprised none of his posts ever make it into the light of day??

Well – and purely for your edification (actually for our own selfish amusement) - we thought we put up a few samples of this 'expert's' take on AA and our recovery programme. Firstly we're informed: 

aa doesn't work for the vast majority of peeps who have the misfortune to walk into your average aa meeting ??” (ie one not approved by our prodigy of recovery).

We're then regaled with quotes from the Big Book (Nope! Never heard of it! Anyone out there heard of it??... Yawn!!). After having endured a couple of paragraphs (this bloke really is willing to go to “any lengths” …) in which we're told stuff most of us already know he finally signs off with …..”The Reluctant Messiah” .. need we say more!! He concludes by wagering his post will never appear! (only partly right there!) 

He then moves onto his next target (in this case EVERYONE): 

[AA] couldn't be any more corrupt than the present version !!!! there's none so blind as those who WILL not see !!!” (How true! We wonder if he has any grasp of the concept of irony?)

Then upon yet another contributor to the forum this little gem is bestowed: 

this terminology would not be out of place in nazi germany. get a grip” (again with the irony!! But then maybe he was there?)

But now the next gobbet of 'wisdom' is placed before us:

" Just remember when you start thinking your [sic] consulting with an idiot " best advice i got as a newcomer. keep it simple.” (in his particular case we have to concur) 

For his next 'victim' he simply reserves abuse. Perhaps this is a new way of “carrying the message”?? Clearly John Mac (yep …. that's his name) is running out of steam by this stage and has to resort to a more familiar mode of communication (ie. invective). We have to say he rather lacks imagination here and really should brush up on his use of satire. It's a far more effective tool for showing a fool up for what he actually is!

Finally the grand denouement, and a parting shot: 

Who are the 'FELLAS' and why do they HIDE behind this name? what are they frightened of !! ?? fear, that corrosive thread etc etc or maybe they're just simply cowards!!?? get them to write to me if they've got the guts”.

An old 'chestnut' which gets pulled out of the fire regularly …. Well apart from something called Tradition 12 (obviously our 'guru' didn't quite make it to that page in the book!) does Johnny Boy really think we're going to enter into correspondence with him? Watching paint dry would be a more pleasing prospect! And yes we do find him frightening actually – frighteningly stupid!


The Fellas (Friends of Alcoholics Anonymous … and quaking in our boots … NOT)